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Why It All Matters

       From a young age, I understood my path in life was going to differ from everyone around me. At first, this was scary, no one wishes to be alone, but I soon realized the importance of my unique pathway. I was not meant to blend in with the group, instead, I stick out from others and act according to myself and I inspire change by doing so. There always needs to be a trailblazer, someone to pave a way for others so that change can occur. I believe I am just that; a trailblazer who hopes to showcase what it means to be different and how much more fun it is to be one’s self as opposed to conforming to the majority’s beliefs.

      As you continue through my website you will notice I all but lack pride. Pride in myself, in my beliefs, in my hopes, and in my community. However, I do not believe I am ignorant of the idea that I am human; I am not immune to mistakes, as a matter of fact, I embrace mistakes and use every error to better myself. I have come very far from who I once was. I have learned to trust myself and I have become aware of the issues with which plague our society. Prejudice, ignorance, apathy, and extremism are all issues I feel immense passion against. I have aligned myself in communities that focus on not only eradicating the issues but also teach others on how to best avoid becoming a part of the problem.

        And while it is easy to look at me as just a grade twelve student, I strongly hope you can look towards what I have accomplished and what I am building. Understanding that even the youngest minds can create impactful change is important for us all to begin moving forward.

Future: Text


After Chaminade, I hope to branch out and really get into the heart of being an activist. Before I can do that I must first secure myself a future that involves being able to help others who may not be in the right capacity to help themselves. Medicine is where my life is headed. Whether that involves becoming a doctor or a nurse I know my studies will take me there. I have applied to universities that have a well-known nursing and medicine program including; University of Toronto, McMaster, Ryerson and the University of New Brunswick.


Once my schooling is over, I hope to either continue on with the MCAT or begin working as a traveling nurse. Organizations such as Doctors Without Borders inspired me at a young age to get out of the safety Canada has to offer me and fight for the lives of human beings. I wish to make meaning of my life in the most meaningful way - through healing the wounded and fighting for the lives of others.


Another huge component of my life will be activism. I am very passionate about the fight for proper sex ed and I believe education is the forefront for any problems we face as a community. Taboo topics such as rape, sexuality, contraceptive use, abortion, and sexual health are all topics we choose to ignore. I hope to bring them to light and with that, I believe a new informed youth will be created.


Future: About Me


Future: Interests
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