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Model UN: Projects

SSUNS 2016

The post-secondary model united nations are the real deal, it involves many, many universities from around the globe to all partake in the mock united nations under one roof in Montreal. The experience was wonderful and luckily CHAMUN is one of few schools that partake in the SSUNS under the TCDSB board. 


I was playing as Madagascar in the UNICEF GA. I was able to create a resolution with other third world countries that involved the overwatch of first world countries like the UK, Canada, and the USA.



Well, involving myself in the changing world has always been a goal of mine. I wish to be an activist fighting for the betterment of our environment, people and education. Model UN is the perfect environment to stimulate my need for enlightenment in the world of politics. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals with the same goal in life - to create solutions for unresolved conflicts. Being a part of Model UN has also taught me many incredibly useful skills; I have learned to think critically, speak in front of an audience, research a topic, organize an event and take control of a room regardless of the situation. All of these skills are transferable and will no doubt help me as effectively in a classroom as they would in a Model UN.

Model UN: Text
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